We develop and deploy Well Logging and Cavern Survey Services.
Providing innovative & Tailored solutions since 1995

Cavern Services
FLODIM offers a wide range of services, dealing with all aspects of cavern development and sustainability, even under extreme conditions and whatever the fluid : air, water, brine, natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons and hydrogen. Cavern sonar surveys, measurements and services are up to the best existing standards, with constant focus on technology integration, data validation and quality.

Well Logging
Declination of its dual Bottom Hole Sampling and Electrochemical casing cutting patents to conventional wells is under way with promising capabilities expected to complete the existing range of services to expand our production logging services package.

High T° Geothermal Wells
Since 2012 and the early stage of new efforts run by several French dedicated Companies, FLODIM is involved in new instruments design, manufacturing and testing in order to challenge the current Temperature limits of deep Geothermal wells.
Amongst the main R&D subjects one can find the downhole video cameras, the Bottom hole sampling systems and the Production Logging Tools up to the limit of existing High T° logging cables.

Research & Development
With over 20 years of experience in providing innovative, patented, and award-winning solutions adapted to our clients’ needs, Flodim remains faithful to its principles, prioritizing safety and quality throughout all steps of the value
Amongst the main R&D current subjects, innovative casing cutters , downhole Video cameras, Bottom Hole Sampling systems & Production Logging Tools are developed up to the limit of existing High T° logging cables.